Divine Counsel
Worked hard, caught nothing, almost defeated and unable to find a way out, Peter, the professional fisherman, asks the advice of a carpenter and wandering preacher of Galilee. Divine counsel proceeded from the mouth of Jesus which Peter obeyed against his knowledge of fishing and personal will, brought him a big catch. Four hundred years of captivity in Egypt also broke by the divine counsel to Moses and the entire Israelites crossed the Red sea that was blocking their way. "Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground." (Ex 14:16) An impenetrable walls of Jericho also got collapsed by Joshua listening and obeying a divine counsel. “You shall march around the city, all the men of war circling the city once. You shall do so for six days. Also seven priests shall carry seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark; then on the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. It shall be that when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city will fall down flat." (Joshua 6:3-5) Anything can be achieved if you report it to God and wait on Him for counsel; believe and execute, success is yours. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." (Prov 3:5-6)
Abba, help me come to you in every situation for your counsel. Let your Spirit remind me all the time to come to you.
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