Peace Regained
Choice of love for his woman (Gen 2:18, 23; Gen 3:6), over the commandment of the Creator (Gen 2:16) brought conflict with the Divine and the consequence was paradise lost. Hiding from the face of God (Gen 3:10), accusing (Gen 3:12) and blaming (Gen 3:13) his beloved wife and the enemy of deception (Gen 3:4) immediately proceeded. War of words and war of weapons (Gen 4:8) naturally took effect in the first family at the cost of Abel's innocent bloodshed. Reconciliation with the Divine was impossible (Gen 3:22-24) except at the cost of the One who would obey God's command to the point of sacrificial death (Phil 2:8). Peace on Earth, the hymn chanted by a great army of angels, echoed the earth on the first day of Christmas (Lk 2:13-14). "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you." (Jn 14:27) was His first declaration before climbing up to Calvary .Accomplishing the mission with the shout of victory ,"It is finished"(Jn 19:30) Jesus "came and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you." (Jn 20:19) again the second time the Risen Lord declared, " again, Peace be unto you: as the Father hath sent me, even so send I you." (Jn 20:21) No human efforts can establish peace in families or society or country, for peace as it is a gift won over the battle on the cross, has to be given. Submit and surrender this mystery , desire and pray for peace, the peace regained by the Prince of Peace.
Abba, we bow down in adoration for the gift of peace. Let your Spirit calm our minds and fill our hearts with peace of Christ. Amen.
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sextelefon (Friday, 13 January 2017 18:53)
seks telefony (Tuesday, 17 January 2017 20:14)