Needed Action
Everyone desires and everyone plans, when attempts go wrong, they panic and struggle. Holy Bible narrates numerous events that brought miracles on their behalf with the needed action of asking, seeking, and knocking, for the door to be opened. Hannah in her deep distress, asked God, “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son” (1 Sam 1:11). The gates of heaven opened and extended the blessing she deserved the most, “the Lord remembered her plea, and in due time she gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, for she said, ‘I asked the Lord for him.’” (1 Sam 1:19-20). Asking of the Lord is an essential action, for Christ himself affirmed, “For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock” (Mt 7:8). Bartimaeus, cried and shouted for God’s mercy, was interrogated as to have a clear asking, “‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Jesus asked him. ‘Teacher,’ the blind man answered, ‘I want to see again.’ ‘Go,’ Jesus told him, ‘your faith has made you well.’” (Mk 10:51-52). Let’s know what to ask, how to ask and whom to ask to enjoy and experience our true needs.
Abba, thank you for keeping our asking a necessity to receive a blessing. Let your Spirit enlighten us with the right words, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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