Bless Friends
There are so many things we may lack in life, such as family, wealth, education, jobs, salaries; but not friends. True and genuine friendships complete the empty sides of our lives. That is why it is important to initiate, commit, and keep on with best friends, as the philosopher himself advises, “Never abandon old friends; you will never find a new one who can take their place. Friendship is like wine; it gets better as it grows older” (Sirach 9:10). The statement of Christ highlights the supremacy of love that is available in friendships, “The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them” (Jn 15:13). Disregard the status of yours and embrace friends from any clan or culture, like Jesus, who was more than willing to call ordinary fishermen friends, “I call you friends, because I have told you everything I heard from my Father” (Jn 15:15). The example of biblical friendship should be the measure of our friendships, “As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” (1 Samuel 18:1). Not only for entertainment and sharing, do we also need to pray for and bless our friends to receive prosperity, “Job had prayed for his three friends, the Lord made him prosperous again” (Job 42:10). Then, the fragrance of our lives will be filled with beauty, “Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so [doth] the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel” (Prov 27:9). Let’s take time to meet and greet our friends and strengthen our friendships.
Abba, we thank you for giving us good friends. Let your Spirit help us pray for and pray with friends, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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dupodajki (Monday, 04 September 2017 22:26)
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