Please, Share Time
We are living in a world, where the greatest need of the hour is sharing time, be it in family or friendship. Nothing can equal to the precious gift of quality time that we can exchange towards one another, for it makes our lives easier, happier, and supported. Just three years ago, Christ was able to withstand fasting and loneliness beyond measures, “After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.’” (Mt 4:2-3). He had the company of twelve men, who were purposefully chosen to be with Him. When He needed support and strength from them, for He was enduring His mission as a human being, on behalf of human sin, He pleaded with them to be awake, and pray for Him, “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” (Mt 26:40). There are millions of people who are requesting for time from their beloved ones, for that makes a real difference; God never fails to notice and send assistance when His children need, that His Son also received, “An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him” (Lk 22:43). The protection and comfort that God provides is unmatchable, for He is Our Creator and He knows our needs.
Abba, thank You for watching over us, all the time. Let your Spirit give us strength by reminding us of this truth, in Jesus’ Most Holy Name, Amen.
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towarzyskie seks (Monday, 04 September 2017 22:31)
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sex telefon (Friday, 20 October 2017 20:45)